Something all bash scripters need to know (and most of us don’t)

Calling all bash users. This is a public service announcement.

Here’s something you need to know if you want to write bash scripts that work reliably, but you probably don’t.


For script authors: Every bash script that uses the cd command with a relative path needs to call unset CDPATH, or else it may not work correctly. Scripts that don’t use cd should probably do it anyway, in case someone puts a cd in later.

For users: Never export CDPATH from your shell to the environment. If you use CDPATH then set it in your .bashrc file and don’t export it, so that it’s only set in interactive shells.

For the bash implementers: Change bash to ignore the inherited value of CDPATH in shell scripts (as opposed to interactive shells).


Since I wrote this, thanks to commenters here and on Reddit I’ve learnt two interesting things:

  • CDPATH is not a bash-specific feature; it’s actually specified by POSIX.
  • You can avoid it in some cases by using cd ./foo, which does not consult CDPATH. But this is not a panacea: it can’t easily be used with paths that might be absolute or relative, such as `dirname "$0"`, so I think unsetting CDPATH is still the best way to deal with it.

What you need to know

The bash shell has a little-known feature that might occasionally be handy in interactive use, but is never useful in a script and acts as a brutal trap for the unwary scripter. The variable CDPATH can be set to a colon-separated list of directories, and then whenever cd somewhere is called with a relative path the directories in CDPATH are tested in turn to see whether somewhere exists in any of them. If it does, the current working directory is changed to that directory and the fully-qualified path of the new working directory is printed to standard output.

For example:

-bash-3.2$ cd                  # Change to my home directory
-bash-3.2$ mkdir foo /tmp/foo  # Create directory "foo" here and in /tmp
-bash-3.2$ CDPATH=/tmp:.       # Set CDPATH
-bash-3.2$ cd foo              # Call cd
/tmp/foo                       # cd changes to /tmp/foo, and prints it out

Here running cd foo changes to /tmp/foo rather than ~/foo, because /tmp precedes . in the CDPATH.

If CDPATH is set in the environment, e.g. exported from a shell, then it may cause the cd command to behave unexpectedly in shell scripts. By the robustness principle users should not export CDPATH and scripts should be written to work even if they do.

In case you doubted it, it’s very common to see scripting idioms that may not work properly if CDPATH is exported. Even the common cd "$(dirname "$0")" falls into this category.

How I discovered this trap (the hard way)

I’ve been writing bash scripts for almost half my life, but it still has the capacity to surprise me.

At work we have a library of shell code that is used for things like configuration management across several different projects. Because the library is included as a git submodule in many different projects, and these projects themselves will be installed by different people in different places, the library code can’t use a hard-coded path to itself; but sometimes it does need to know where it’s installed so that library functions can invoke scripts from the same package.

Note that this is a library of functions that will be included into other shell scripts using the source command, so we can’t assume we’re in "$(dirname "$0")" as a straightforward shell script could. But that’s okay, because bash has a special variable $BASH_SOURCE that any function can use to find the filename of the file that function is defined in. So I wrote this:

_mysociety_commonlib_directory() {
      cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/..

which sets $MYSOCIETY_COMMONLIB_DIR to the fully-qualified pathname of the parent directory of the directory this function is in. I was happy with the neatness of this solution, and it worked fine in all my tests.

A few days ago, though, a user reported a bug that we eventually traced back to this function. It turned out that the cd command was also printing the name of the directory, and so $MYSOCIETY_COMMONLIB_DIR ended up containing the directory name twice.

I can only suppose that the user must have CDPATH set in the environment. But what a nasty trap.

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32 Responses to Something all bash scripters need to know (and most of us don’t)

  1. Peter says:

    Your problem was the CDPATH value didn’t begin with a dot for CWD.

    OTOH I had scripts delivered to me in a previous job that didn’t work unless “..” for the parent directory was in the CDPATH (because that was used by the author and he couldn’t imagine anyone not doing the same).

    I agree it’s safest to unset it.

    • Ah, that’s very interesting. Thank you.

      Still, I can’t help but wonder if the spec couldn’t be improved on a little in this case. I wonder if there are any real-world systems that would break if my proposed change were implemented.

  2. Pearson says:

    You should likely also make sure that ‘cd’ isn’t aliased to print $PWD, as I’ve seen some folks do. I’m not at a bash shell now, but I *think* you can make the line
    \cd “$(dirname “${BASH_SOURCE[0]}”)”/..

    note the leading backslash – IIRC, this tells the shell to skip any aliases.

    • geirha says:

      This is not an issue at all.

      1. aliases aren’t passed through the environment, nor can they be exported.
      2. aliases are disabled by default in non-interactive shells

      So you’d have to specifically enable aliases with “shopt -s expand_aliases”, and define the alias inside the script… only to avoid using it later in the script.

      • Behold: I break your mess.

        cd () { pushd $1 > /dev/null; popd -n; }; export cd

      • Nice one! Exporting functions is another great way to break shell scripts.

        You have a couple of bugs, I think. You need to quote the $1 in case the directory name has a space in, and you need the -f option to make export export functions:

        cd () { pushd "$1" > /dev/null; popd -n; }; export -f cd

      • I put bugs in your breakage, so you can fail while you crash.

      • geirha says:

        Yes, exporting functions is one of the craziest features added to bash. Especially crazy since it defines them by default. To guard against it, you’ll need the -p option in the shebang.

      • Ah, I didn’t know about -p. Good tip, thanks.

  3. geirha says:

    Avoiding the directory being looked up in CDPATH can be done with the same approach as when avoiding PATH when running a command or sourcing a script. Prepend it with “./”. E.g. cd ./somewhere instead of cd somewhere.

    Don’t forget to test the exit status of cd though.

    • Good point about checking the exit status of cd. Thanks. That should be fixed in 966025c, I hope.

      • geirha says:

        An update for the update. If you don’t know if the directory is given as a path, or just a name, test it first.

        if [[ ${dir%/} != */* ]]; then dir=./$dir; fi; cd “$dir” …

        And on a side note, relying on `dirname “$0″` is a poor design decision. Where the script you’re running is located should be irrelevant, and $0 is not guaranteed to contain the path to the script. See

  4. That is a very good tip particularly to those new to the blogosphere.
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    one. A must read article!

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